Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making Money @ CVS 11/12

Gotta love when you walk out with more ECBs than you started with, plus 3 bags full (but not of wool ;) )

Listerine Agent Cool Blue: $3.99, $1 CVS coupon, $1 IP coupon, earn $3 ECB each = -$3.03(The manager found these in the totes, made sure it was correct size, so very helpful! I'm loving this CVS)
Garnier Fructis: $2.99, $1 coupon, earn $2 ECB = -$.01
Rimmel Mascara: $6.99, $1 coupon, earn $4 ECB = $1.99
Cotton swabs ($.50) and Halloween slinky ($.13) as fillers
Best buy of the day: WellPatch. When they were free after ECBs last month, they never had them, mainly just 2 on the shelf at each store, or NONE. This month, you get $1 back, limit 5. So I used my raincheck for all five (still had 4 on the shelf!), and got $5 ECB back! That was a big part of my gain =)

Value of items: $61.59
Store coupons: $7.00
Man. coupons: $5.00
Spent $1.40 on gift card.
The real gain: used $11.27 ECB, but earned $21.59!! Ready for the battery deal on Sunday and then Thanksgiving day I will be there when they open. Woo hoo! There are about 35 FREE items (after bucks, of course) and according to the boards I read, last year it was dead on T-day and they had everything. Crazy. Wonder if this year will be any different...this is my first holiday season with them, and I'm so excited for it. Many coupons to be had for the free items, which means once again I'll earn more ECBs than I spend.

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