Friday, March 04, 2005

ride a painted pony let the spinning wheel spin....

ahhh. thanks to Joeli....i have now tried spinning. I ordered the book Spin It but i couldn't wait so i found some cool websites. close up of the fluffy stuff:

lovely. so the website says to "crack the whip" on a manageable length of fibre to loosen them up. umm *cough cough* didja know i keep my black work clothes on the floor? *ahem* so yeah. next lesson:
although i haven't tested this theory, spinning should be done in the nude. that way, your lovely pulled fibres (thin them out, but don't let them break! who are they kidding?!?!?) don't stick to your knees on your sweatpants...yeah, i wear bum clothes around the house.
here is my first attempt:

pretty lumpy. trust me. not only lumpy, but scarily thin in spots. but i wound it in a ball to save for posterity. or whatever
next up: trying again. so yeah, pulling them apart...not getting much easier. which results in lots of what i have dubbed 'fluffy bits':

i will eventually have to spin those up...but how i will get them even is beyond me. you could card them right? which i don't have, but that would make them more 'useable' but i will deal.
drumroll please:

it is getting fairly even! i get a nice rhythm going...but then the draft fibres will break..and well. then i get a few slubs. i am getting there though. and enjoying it. i cannot thank joeli enough. so i will spin it and of course dye it. not sure what to make yet though...we'll see how much i have.

wendy! what do i do! there is hair in my spinning! Joeli's hair! (that is just for you hehehe. i'm eeeevil)

time to go celebrate my spinning attempts with a B-52 i bought today...sounds delish

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