Monday, January 15, 2007

lazy, yet not.

so we had dinner for Matt's birthday at my house last Thursday, and these pics have languished on my card since then. Alas, today is his birthday, which means i am not late at all! We are now the same age for three weeks, heh. Then I'm his old woman again! But anyway, two pics for your viewing enjoyment:

This one, where his expression is classicly fun, but i ruined it by somehow having my eyes closed at the exact wrong second.

and this one, where you can see the hat and us all happy, but it's rather boring, ay?

Someday soon i will take a pic of Hush Hush progress. 16 inches down, 7 more with 7 decrease rows left before the F'n'F top. yay!!! Then more flowers. argh, weddings.

also debating the switch to "new blogger" before they do it for me. hmmm.


Gina said...

I've tried switching, and they won't let me -- too many posts, I think. I'm even thinking of skipping out on blogger.

Anonymous said... I tried to leave a comment, but this stupid blogger has me screaming. Old Blogger, New Blogger, sign I've got a million different freakin' sign ins. Gina might be right--is Blogger worth all this headache?

Ceci said...

I'm thinking about switching too! Ana just realized that her domain provider (where we have has blog software already available to us. Now to figure out how to use it...

Those pictures are cute, Helen! :)

P.S. I finally put Tot on Trike pics up on my blog. Go check it out. ;)