Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Laura knows me so well!!

my mom picks me up from the train and says i have a big box from Texas! I'm like, from Pearland?!! the UPS guy came today, woot woot!

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and i must say, Laura knows me so well as she picked a great assortment of Ms. Stranger's yarn to fling my way.
first off was the brand new in the bag linen/cotton that i loved when she posted it on her site:
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and then Laura knows me so well, this'll totally be a sweater for me cuz i LOVE this tag, but it's soft and fluffy and bumpy and slightly thickish:
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and then this green stuff...not too keen on it yet, but it's 15% mohair and the rest petrol products. but it'll come in handy for something:
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now, hiding this box in the back of the closet til after the holidays are done..cuz i need to make gifties, then the current list of things i want for myself and THEN can use this stuff. see if i have the willpower....


1 comment:

MiniLaura said...

Well, much of Mrs. Stranger's stuff had some percentage of petroleum in it. I'm glad you like the mystery pink yarn. Monkee has the mystery purple yarn and I still have mystery blue yarn. ;)