Yeah. That's INSANE.
Jewel #1:
Pudding x5
Ketchup x4
Alexia x1 ($1 manq)
=$20.29 towards deal, $9.99 after sale + q, $.18 cash
Jewel #2:
Popcorn x2 ($1 manq x2)
Tom. Sauce x9
Mustard x2
Ketchup x3
=$20.55 towards deal, $11.50 after sale + q, $1.74 cash
Jewel #3 and #4:
Oil x2
Ketchup x3
Diced Tomato x2
=$20.45 towards deal, $10 after sale, $.26 and $.18 cash
These two had different totals because she started to put in the q as grocery, but I said the $10 does scan when they are in full assist mode (we used to work together, so she believed me. Plus we did trans #2 and the cat came out, so it all worked out for me in the end) and she learned something new ;)
Propel and Fuze were part of a $.99 sale, but $.80 each when you buy 10 or more in a single transaction. I had $.50/1 Propel coupons (x19) and BOGO Fuze coupons (x19) that I have found at gas stations and Walgreens/CVS. Turns out, the 1st BOGO you scan asks the cashier for a price, and they put $.99, but then all other q's scan at $1.59, which is regular price before any sales. This made most of my Fuze $.005 each!! $1.60-$1.59 q? WOW! Had a nice chat with self-check lady when I came back with my second transaction, and she put in my first q for me, at $.99, as she had on the last transaction, and then I just scanned 12 more at $1.59. CRAZINESS!!!
Total: $10.18 for 57 bottles! Hubby is SO happy with this stuff!!
Super Target:
Normlly, my luck would run out here. Thankfully the cashier simply scanned all of my coupons in order, reading the Edy's as it was the only one that said 'item not found' but she was definitely not pleased as she didn't tell me to have a nice day and wasn't thrilled with my final total :)
Dawn: $2.29, $.50 Target q, $1.50 manq = $.29
Pace: $2.09, $.50 Target q, $1 manq = $.59
Eggo: $1.50, $1 manq = $.50
Edy's: $1.19, $1 Target q = $.19 (I deserved a treat after shopping, although hubby was sad I ate it all LOL)
Pictureka card game: $6.64 sale, $5 manq!
=$3.91 cash
Whew! Today I purchased a total of 103 items for $16.45 cash, or $.16 each!
Jewel Catalia deal total: $12.59 cash for 85 items is $.15 each
I plan one more Jewel deal, as my mom has 4-5 Alexia qs she's giving me tomorrow. Hubs is taking 3 bags of groceries (some from the last cat) to the local mega-church's food pantry, some for our moms and some for my bro in grad school, and some for a coworker. I love sharing!! We certainly can't eat it all, but I'm glad I got things we actually needed like kethcup and canola oil.
1 comment:
LOL -- awesome! Where'd you find the Pictureka? I scanned the endcaps at ST but no luck.
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