Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ravelympic Update

Yes, sorry...slow on the updates. Because I'm so busy knitting? Plus it's dull since photos are difficult to upload...I am trying to remember if my camera has a cable or not, which would make things easier.....

Anywho, here's what's up.

Turtle - Body is completed (sewn and stuffed). Casting on shell now on lunch break.

Dragon - Body assembled and stuffed. Legs stuffed. Need to sew on legs and wings, then do embroidery.

Matt's Socks - On cuff of sock #1. whew. He also works late two nights this week, so I can work on them undetected ;)

Vest - haven't touched. just need ends, buttons, blocking.

My socks - pretty much back-burnered. Not really a contender.

That's about it! Must finish errands and chores before Olympics are on tonight because it's women's gymnastics!!

(on my wish-list: a DPN holder. one of those fabric rolls...I should be able to make my own, however....)


Bezzie said...

A lot of people seem to be choosing the "finish my WIPs" option.

If it gets you one or two done WIPs I guess it't not so bad.

Kathy Kathy Kathy said...

I also chose WIP's but I didn't upload them. Does it still count? I finished one that wasn't particularly old and another whole brand new project.